Thursday, December 15, 2011

I think Puppy should skip school

I was looking at Luke's homework agenda for the week, and read that he has to bring something in on Friday, to share with the class.  I figured he would bring in some kind of Lego creation, but no, he wants to bring in his stuffed Puppy dog, that he sleeps with every night.

I bought Puppy at FAO Schwartz, when I was pregnant with Luke. It was the only thing I bought before having him, and it turned out to be his favorite animal.  Luke loves to hear me tell the story of how I went shopping that day, very excited to be having a baby, and how much we loved the baby already, and wanted to buy a special gift for it.

But I'm not too keen on him bringing Puppy to school though, and here's why.

Last year we were getting ready for school, it was cold and snowy, and we couldn't find his gloves.  I was afraid we were going to miss the bus, so I grabbed a pair of lavender colored mittens, put them on his hands, and off he went.

When he came home that afternoon, he got off the bus, with his head hanging down, and a sad look on his face. I asked him what was wrong, he said "The big kids made fun of my purple mittens."


I felt like the worse Mom ever, I basically fed him straight to the bullies mouths.

There are always going to be those kids who make fun of others, I get it.  I was called a "Carpenters Dream" in seventh grade, since I was "flat as a board and needed a screw."  Fun times.  But you can see why I'm putting my foot down about Puppy not going to school.  I don't want any other seven year old's to make fun of having a stuffed animal, or making him feeling bad about something he loves.  I told Luke that since Puppy is so special, we don't want to risk him losing him on the bus or at school.  So he's going to choose something else.

And I'll make sure to keep Puppy away from Frank, the Stuffed Animal Eating Dog.


Big Daddy Diesel said...

Tell Luke I am 36 and I still have my teddy bear from before I was born in my room. All the cool kids have theirs and are proud of it.

Christi said...

Luke is adorable!

My son had a Winnie the Pooh that he loved when he was little. Well, somehow it got lost (long story) and I wanted to replace it. However, I didn't get around to replacing it until he was about 16. I came home from a business trip with Pooh in hand. Ty was home with about all of his guy friends. I handed Pooh right too him and he was ecstatic. He didn't care that all his friends just saw him get excited about his Pooh bear. I am sure they teased him about it a lot. He didn't care and he still has it in his room today. He is 20 now. We never forget our favorite stuffed animal!

Lisa said...

Luke is adorable and you sound like the perfect mom for protecting him!!!! Precious!

Laura said...

Oh, that purple mitten story is so sad! I think you're making the right decision with puppy... kids can be so cruel! My daughter is almost 2, and I'm dreading the day when she comes home sad b/c of what other kids did or said. :(

Anonymous said...

That picture makes my heart melt. So sweet. And that story of the lavender gloves makes my eye water. Why must kids be so cruel?

I respect you decision on the puppy and understand exactly where your coming from. I'm glad he wasn't too disappointed about it.

You never bought *anything* before Luke was born? Was he early?

Emz said...

Luke is one handsome fella.
I still have my teddy bear from when I was 3. Always will.
Great post.

giraffy said...

That is adorable. Mean kids irk me. I want to shake their parents and ask why they're broken :(

TriMOEngr said...

My son has been sleeping with his puppy ever since he was about 4 months old. He likes to hear the story about how some family friends gave it to him as a baby. He's now 10.5 and, having renamed "puppy" to "Sparky" when he was 3 or 4, still sleeps with it every night. When we changed daycares when he was 2.5, he wanted puppy to go along and I was terrified it would get lost or ruined and then we'd have sleep issues (and being pg with his sis, I didn't have time for that). So we came up with the idea of "daycare bear" which was another stuffed animal he was less attached to, but still helped him through that rough transition. I still worry sometimes about him getting grief for his stuffed animals when he has friends over, but he seems to not worry about it for now. Super sweet picture. I hope he founds something else that would be equally wonderful to show and tell.

Mike of said...

I'd let him take it.
You're only a kid once.

Andrew Opala said...

If the puppy was lavender, then I would say skip it. But he should take it.

misszippy said...

Awww...sweet picture. And a sad moment when you have to make a choice like that!

Teamarcia said...

Awww Luke and Puppy are precious!
Thing 1 had kitties on her T-shirt at Kinder Camp one summer and she came home telling me some mean girls told her they were 'babyish'. Seriously? She's freaking 5.
I don't think a stuffed animal is babyish for a 2nd grader. My bigger issue would be the prospect of bringing lice home on it. :S

J said...

Ugg that makes me so angry that the kids made fun of him. I remember being made fun of in elementary school and it was no fun. Good call on the puppy. I still have a my little pony that I had when I was young. I just cant get rid of her.

ajh said...

I think most 7 year olds would not make fun of someone with a stuffed animal at school but there is always one. A boy in my class (9) brought a stuffed animal and a boy made fun of him on the playground (when I wasn't there to hear). Then this week the boy who made fun of him brought in a teddy bear.

Pam @ said...

Good call, Mom. Damn good call.

Liz Mays said...

It breaks my heart that kids tease each other like that, because it really, really hurts.

The Green Girl said...

Aw! Heartbreaking. ::hugs::

Black Knight said...

You made the right thing.
Beautiful photo, Luke has a wonderful smile.

Unknown said...

Luke is too cute! It breaks my heart that kids can be so mean. I think you made a good mommy choice in leaving the puppy at home, although, he should have no shame in loving an inanimate object that makes his feel safe! :)